Task management


  • Work / Task can be defined for event basis.
  • Any Transaction is considered as an event. For transactions add, edit and delete event will be different.
  • Work / task created by transaction event will have transaction type (identity- like Lead, Opportunity), transaction number, date, subject –additional field predefined for each transaction- like contact type name.
  • Task can be set auto or manual –transaction wise.
  • Transaction print out can be attached automatically.
  • Content of message for task can be configured by dynamic message builder. The details will be inserted automatically in configured message by the system.
  • Task can be intimation type. Intimation can be delivered on email to outside of organization persons like suppliers or customers. Auto e-mail will be sent for intimation with attachment of transaction prints out (if required).
  • Manual work / Task can be generated for one or multiple user. Subject and details for the work can be entered while defining the task.